Sunday, May 28, 2006


Crop circles are very nice, beautiful, flattened and complex geometric patterns. The geometric patterns include the proofs of Pythagoras theorems which are related to musical notes. They are found in different types of crops such as Corn, Wheat, Oats, Barley and Grass. Crop circles are not only found in crops, but also in Maize. In the 17 century, the fossil record of woodcuts which appear to be the crop circles has been observed. The first woodcut appears in the Hertfordshire newspaper in England. Today there is variety of thousands of the crop circles of different shapes around the globe. Different theories and beliefs on whether the crop circles occur naturally or are man-made also prevail.

There are beautiful and the most attractive crop circles in different parts of the globe. They are found in the USA, Russia, England, Israel and Canada. Even though they are found in different parts of the world, England seems to be the dominant country of where many of the crop circles are found. Shamefully, there is no single report indicating the locations of crop circles in the continent of Africa. Lack of availability of the crop circles in the continent of Africa can be attributed to the poor reporting from the media or lack of knowledge about the crop circles.

There are different types of these magnificent crop circles. They are ranging from simple, to doubles, triples and multiples crop circles. The names of these crop circles include Mandelbrot set, Stonehenge Julia Set and the Triple Julia Set. In my opinion, the most beautiful crop circles which hooked my heart from the Video viewed is the Triple Julia Set because of its shape and golden colour. Also in my view I think the crop circles are hoax, this is because one can ask himself a question such as is there any research which only occur in the Northern Hermisphere? The shape and its beautiful golden colour of the Triple Julia Set is amazing, because it also consists of 35 circles, imagine not just circles, but golden circles which hooked the eyes of the observer.

Like in the Video reviewed, Jazz Rassol an Astrophysicist, Paul Vigay and Michael Glickman share different views when coming to the crop circles. Rasool provides his insights about the crop circles; he tries by all means to link crop circles with human mind and quantum gravity. He further says that the beautifulness of the geometry of the crop circle is indicated with various colourful computer generated images and animations. While on the other side, Paul Vigay says that crop circles are found all around the globe in places like USA, UK, Russia and Israel. He further says that crop circles are found in the crops such as Corns, Oats, Grass and Wheat.

The unfortunate part of the crop circles is that the evidence which indicate clearly how the crop circles are formed remains sketchy. The unavailability of how the crop circles are formed can be attributed to many of the different theories and beliefs. Other people believe that there is energy of field present in the crop formations that affect photographic equipment and other equipment. Most of the people who visit the crop circles reported a wide range of physiological, psychological or emotional effects. While in the Agricultural sector, farmers believe that crop circles tend to interact at an unconscious level, the type of experience is governed largely by the state of mind of the individuals.


Wikipedia contributors. Crop circles [Internet]. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopaedia; 2006 May 26, 00: 36 UTC [cited 2006 May 26]. Available from:
Wikipedia contributors. Geometry [Internet]. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopaedia;
2006 May 23, 15: 46 UTC [cited 2006 May 26]. Available from:
Wikipedia contributors. Agriculture [Internet]. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopaedia;
2006 May 25, 00: 41 UTC [cited 2006 May 26]. Available from:
Wikipedia contributors. History of crop circles [Internet]. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopaedia; 2006 May 26, 00: 36 UTC [cited 2006 May 26]. Available from:

Peter Muvhali
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Wednesday, May 17, 2006


The monkeys which are found in the continents of Africa and Asia are said to be the old world monkeys. On the other side the monkeys which are found in the continents of both South and North America are said to be the new world monkeys. Both old and new world monkeys have the characteristics which differentiate them from each other. Some of the characteristics include the geographical distribution.

New world monkeys are known as ‘’Platyrrhines and the old world monkeys are known as Catarrhines’’ (Pratt, 2004: 2). The new world monkeys possess nostrils which face down but round in shape and the old world monkeys possess nostrils which face down but narrow. When coming to the composition of the teeth, in the new world monkeys three pre-molars are found in the big monkeys while in the old world monkeys, two pre-molars are found. Even the body size of both the world monkeys are different, the body size of the old world monkeys is large, for example, Baboon.

While the body size of the new world monkeys is small. Flat nails and pads on the buttocks are also found in the old world monkeys as opposed to the new world monkeys. The canine teeth in the old world monkeys are also said to be big and sharp with the gap between the incisors and the canines while on the other side the upper canine teeth are also said to be sharp. Pratt (2004: 3) further continues by saying that the new world monkeys belong to order Platyrrhini which consists of three families and sixteenth genera. On the other side the old world monkeys belong to the order Catarrhini which consists of the two super families.

It is also said that the majority of the Catarrhines are terrestrial, which means that they live on land as opposed to Platyrrhines which are thought to be coming from the sea. The reason why the Platyrrhines are said to be coming from the ocean has been provided by the fossil remains which has been studied. On the other side the Catarrhines are said to have a narrow range of the niches. Catarrhines also share their niches with both the apes and the Prosimians as opposed to the Platyrrhines. It is further said that the new world monkeys are more evolutionary than the old world monkeys, which means that the world monkeys are not closely related to the modern humans as compared to the old world monkeys.

In the new world monkeys, family callitrichidae contain four genera which are saguinus like Jeffries tamarind; leontopithicus like golden lion tamarind; callantric like marmoset and the genus cebulla pygmy marmoset. In the old world monkeys the superfamily hominoidea possess small brain as opposed to the superfamily cercopithecoids which possess large brain.

In conclusion, both the old the new world monkeys show the huge differences between them which range form their geographical distribution, diagnostic features and their relationship with the modern humans. Finally, the old world monkeys are thought to be our close friends as opposed to the new world monkeys.


Wikipedia contributors. Monkeys [Internet]. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia; 2006 May 12, 11:33 UTC [cited 2006 May 12, 15:15]. Available from:

Pratt, D. 2004. Human Origins. [Online]. Available from: [2004, February 13, 9: 24]

Peter Muvhali
Tell no 012 8142133
Fax 012 8423676

Tuesday, May 16, 2006


The world of science is full of surprises. Each an every time, when scientist/s invent or make a discovery about something, negative criticism tend to be more than the positive criticism, but later on reality tend to come into existence. Both negative and positive criticisms mostly come from the media, both print and electronic. The fact that Fox television has broadcasted a programme called Conspiracy theory fuelled the mistrust of people to the astronauts.

I am 99% certain that the first man to land on the moon was Neil Armstrong from United States of America (USA). The credibility of the film makers is also questionable, how can they compare photos which are taken from the two different earths, the one which is having the atmosphere and the magnetosphere which is the earth that we live on and the one without both the atmosphere and magnetosphere, the moon. It is obvious that the conditions which prevail between the two earths are totally different. Therefore, photos taken from the different earths would also be different.

It is also obvious that among the people who were viewing the film were the scientists. As we know that among the scientists themselves, in order for something to become reality and accepted by the scientific community and convince the public, argument must first prevail. Surprisingly, from the Fox film makers we do not hear from them about who was the first person to land on the moon. This means that only what is shown in the film was a Hoax.

Even though I am 99% certain that the first man to land on the moon was Neil Armstrong, but I am also 1% uncertain. This is because why the astronauts from NASA asked questions refused to answer. One can also suspects that may be they were hiding something about the allegations will leave the people unsure whether the film aired by the Fox was true or false.

As the main purpose of the film is to make money, may be this also influenced the film makers to put the story in their film in such a way as to make public to buy their film. For example, in the article the headline read as follows, The Great Moon Hoax. The above mentioned headline in the article can be interpreted in different ways, because we cannot interpret things the same way, as we see things differently.

If it is the fact that Neil Armstrong is the first man to land on the moon is a hoax, this also means that many of the books, journals and information in the internet need to be wiped off to prevent further confusion. One can also ask himself/herself a question such as if landing on the moon is a hoax, why it took so long for the hoax to be exposed. The chances are slim that lending on the moon was a hoax as compared with the information available which supports the fact that Neil Armstrong was the first person to land on the moon.

Source 2.htm

Sunday, May 14, 2006


All amphibians belong to the subphylum taxon vertebrate. It is also said that the transition of amphibians from the land into the water is incomplete, this is because amphibians usually in the area of aquatic environments. The reason why the amphibians live in an area which is close to the aquatic environment is that in order for the amphibians to get air from the terrestrial environment, they have to adapt first, even though they have lungs and gills. The transition which usually occurs in amphibians is that of from aquatic to terrestrial environment.

The evolutionary relationship of the amphibians does re-occur again and again in each generation. The re-occurrence takes place in this way, frogs leave their eggs hanging around the plants in water, the eggs then hatch by themselves in the water and the young eggs develop into the adult and head towards the land. In this way the frog which is adolescent moves into the land. When they reach sexual maturity, the adult frog then goes back into the water.

Amphibians are organisms which are adapted to the wet environment. The wet environments which are necessary for amphibians include both arid and semi-arid environments. The main reason of why the amphibians require water is that, in water is where the eggs are laid and hatched. Therefore without water on the terrestrial environments means that amphibians cannot adapt to the life on the land.

Water is the most important requirement of the amphibians in order to adapt on land, but algae on the other side is also important. This is because after the eggs have been hatched, they remain hanging in those algae. The young tadpoles also get their food in the algae plants. Therefore by doing so they end up forming the symbiotic relationship, which is the living together of two living organisms without harming each other.

Amphibians such as the frogs have failed to adapt fully on land, this is because other reptiles have already developed the common early waterproof skin which contains the egg in the shell. Another reason of failure to adapt on land is that amphibians also failed to adapt on the warm, dry environment which is found on dry land. Early reptiles, animals and other organisms were succeeding in their adaptations on the land. Another which can also plays an important role in the failure of amphibians to adapt on the land is the low biomass on the land because only the minority of the organisms manage to adapt and survive on land. Other factors such as population growth, pollution, diseases and land degradation are some of the limiting factors which play a role in the majority of amphibians not to be found on the land as compared to the aquatic environment.

It is also said that the first organism which evolve from the ancestors of the fish is amphibians. They evolve in the period of the late Devonian between 360-370mya. Even though the amphibians evolve in the above mentioned period, frogs, caecilians and toads are the only three groups which remain of the ancient amphibians. But nowadays amphibians are found everywhere on the earth where there is availability of the water.


Wikipedia contributors. Amphibian [Internet]. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopaedia; 2006 May 09, 00:20 UTC [cited 2006 May 09]. Available from:

Wikipedia contributors. Chordata [Internet]. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia; 2006 May 08, 12: 15 UTC [cited 2006 May 09]. Available from:

Peter Muvhali
Tell no 012 8142133
Fax 012 8423676

Placental animals are organisms which maintain their young in the body of the mother until the end of the period of the gestation. There are several orders of organisms which are found under the placental mammals. These orders include chiroptera, artiodactyla which include even-toed ungulates, perissodactyla which include odd-toed unregulates and cetacean. Under each order there are also different animals such as skunk dogs and zebras.

In the order artiodactyla variety of characteristics are found. These characteristics include the anterior part of the skull which is usually long and narrow; horns are also present in the frontal parts which are also usually large. Giraffe, Pigs, Cows, Sheep and hippopotamus are examples of the order artiodactyla. Giraffe is thought to be the tallest animal in this order. This is because the front legs of the giraffe are longer than the back legs. Giraffe also possess the long neck. The young Giraffe are born with horns. The whole body of the Giraffe is covered with the spots.

The order cetacean include Dolphins. The organisms which belong to the order cetacean usually have the following traits, large body size, blubber, usually hairless, sensory abilities such as large brains and they are also good in swimming. Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises are some of the examples of the order cetacea. As large body size is one of the characteristics of cetacean, Dolphin has the average size which is estimated to be about 8 to 13 feet. The body of the Dolphins consists of the following part, dorsal fin, tail fluke, pectoral flipper, rostrum, eye and blowhole.

The organisms which belong to the order chiropteria usually have forelimbs which have been modified as the wings. Most organisms in this order are large even though the small organisms are also found. Examples in this order include bats. The chiroptera means handwing. Taking Bat as an example, bats use their ears to see even though they have eyes. This process of using the ears to see is known as echolocomotion. They also use this process of echolocomotion to navigate in darkness and to detect and capture food on the wing. Animals which fall in the order pholidota are said to be native to Africa and South Asia. In this order only one species has been recognized by the name of Scaly anteaters.

Animals which belong in the order canivora mostly have their body covered with fur. These animals include Dogs, Cats, Lion, Skunk, Walrus, Sea lion and Polecats. As indicated in the above sentence one example of the order carnivore is the Skunk. Skunk have white stripes which runs from the head to the tail. The stripes which are found in the Skunk firstly start with a triangle running down into its back. The tail of the Skunk consists of a mixture of the black and white fur. The head of the Skunk looks like a triangle.

In the order Perissodactyla we find organisms such as Horse, Zebra and Rhinoceros. The body of the animals which belong to the order Perissodactyla usually have their body covered with fur partially. For example, Zebras are identified by their unique stripes which provide them with a camouflage.


Wikipedia contributors. Placenta [Internet]. Wikipedia, the free Encyclopedia; 2006 May 07, 18:21 UTC [cited 2006 May 11, 14: 04]. Available from:

Wikipedia contributors. Planteaters [Internet]. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia; 2006 May 08, 17: 15 UTC [cited 2006 May 11, 14: 43]. Available from:

Peter Muvhali
Tell no 012 8142133
Fax 012 8423676

Thursday, May 11, 2006


Adaptive radiation is the process which is thought to take place when one species change or evolve into two or more other species. On the other side insectivore are thought to be animals which feed on insects. The name insectivore is an indication of their adaptation on feeding on the insects. Insectivore are also thought to be have evolved from the placental mammals.

Adaptive radiation takes place as a result of different population of the species when they become separated from each in terms of reproduction. This often occurs when the separated species are able to adapt into the new environments. The way the species diverse and their rapid spread influence the evolvement of organisms to the new ecological environment. Scientists also disagree with each other when coming to whether the morphology of the insectivore is closely related to the placental mammals. It is also said that in the late Eocene and early Oligocene, insectivore underwent an adaptive radiation. By undergoing the adaptive radiation, insectivore manage to produce different lines which seem to have the beginnings of the family of the placental mammals.

Insectivore which also look like the placental mammals have also been known by the scientists in the late Cretaceous period. The group Cimolestes, were thought to flourish in the late Cretaceous of the North America. This is evidence which seem to confirm those insectivore are the descendent of the placental mammals. It is also said that the molecular studies which are done in Madagascar also indicated that the golden moles and the tenrecs are not closely related to the insectivores which are found in the continent of Africa, especially in the Northern part of the continent.

It is further said that insectivore are classified in one order of the placental mammals. This family is thought to include other animals such as moles, shrews and hedgehogs. The name insectivore implies that the animals feed on other small organisms such as worms which are vertebrates animals even though they also feed on organic organisms. Some scientists also believe that the order insectivore generally evolve from the primitive placental mammals. Their argument is based in the study of the fossil remains which found in different continents.

Some scientists said that traditionally, insectivore serve as the basis of the adaptive radiation of the placental animals. Scientists further continue by saying that the insectivore which are living today indicate the closely relationship which comfirmed that they branched off from the evolutionary tree of the placental mammals. But most of the scientists who conducted their research earlier said those insectivore were occupying the central position in the group placelantia.

In conclusion, one can say that the adaptive radiation of the insectivore is still unclear. This is because that scientists themselves, they do not agree with each other whether placental mammals do evolve into the insectivore. Furthermore, scientists do not specify which species evolve after the insectivore. This is because there are still some scientists that believe that insectivore descended from the placental mammals.


Wikipedia contributors. Insectivora [Internet]. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia; 2006 April 11, 11:31 UTC [cited 2006 May 11, 14: 21]. Available from:

Peter Muvhali
Tell no 012 8142133
Fax 012 8423676

Wednesday, May 10, 2006


The reason that birds have the closely relationship with the dinosaurs also remains a controversial issue among the paleoanthropologists. This is because scientists also remain divided about the issue surrounding the relationship between the two species, the birds and the dinosaurs. Some of the scientists believe that birds have descended from the dinosaurs. In other words dinosaurs were thought to be the ancestors of the birds. Scientists made their assumptions based about the relationship between birds and the dinosaurs by studying the fossil remains.

Some scientists based their argument based in the fact that the resemblance which exists between the fossils of the birds and the dinosaurs suggest the closely relationship. They were arguing on the basis of the similarities without considering the dissimilarities between the fossils of the two species. For example, birds do not have the same number of the toes, some have three while others have five and more depending on the continent in which the species are found. In the other cases, some of the bones found in the toes of the birds resemble that of the reptile. Therefore, the question remains, can we say that reptiles are the ancestors of birds?

Scientists further argue that there is no relationship between the birds and the dinosaurs. This time they based their argument in the fact that the ribcage in the fossils of the dinosaurs are compressed from side to side, where on the other side the ribcage in the fossils of the birds are compressed more from back to their belly. By citing the above mentioned differences in ribcage, some scientists believe that the differences between species do not matter most, what matter most is their similarities. The bones in the wing of the bird has been also compared with the bones of the front feet of the dinosaur and the results which have been found indicated that the bones in the wing of the bird and the bones in the front feet of the dinosaur are similar to the bones of any species.

The fossils of the birds were also compared with the fossils of the reptiles than that of the dinosaurs. This is because it has been found that birds and reptiles have many features that they share which are also common in both the species. Characteristics such as long bones; wingless or wings with four functional fingers; long, slender, vertebrated tail; slender, recurved teeth, set in socket and vertebrae biconcave are also found in both the birds and the reptiles. The above mentioned characteristics are different from those which are found in the dinosaurs, such as very hollow bones, fore legs very short, feeble and not used in locomotion.

In conclusion one can also say that the relationship which is thought to have being exist between the birds and the dinosaurs is still unknown. In other words the missing link is still not known. This is because scientists believe in the process of evolution in order to find the link which can show us that dinosaurs are the ancestors of the birds. The process of evolution is still on, which means that new evidence may be found which will add to the evidence which is already available.


Wikipedia contributors. Dinosaurs [Internet]. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopaedia; 2006 May 09, 18: 48 UTC [cited 2006 May 10, 15: 12]. Available from:

Wikipedia contributors. Birds [Internet]. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopaedia; 2006 May 08, 22: 58 UTC [cited 2006 May 10, 15: 28]. Available from:

Willis, P. 1997. Working out relationships. [Online]. Available from:

Peter Muvhali
Tell no 012 8142133
Fax 012 8423676

Dinosaurs were vertebrates animals, which means that they were animal with backbone. Even today whether dinosaurs were cold-blooded or warm-blooded animals remains unclear. This is because fossil evidence which have been studied by paleoanthropologists prior 1970s indicates that dinosaurs were cold-blooded animals. Therefore post 1970s paleoanthropologists have started to find evidence from the fossil remains which indicates that dinosaurs were warm-blooded animals. Being warm-blooded animals means that dinosaurs were able to control their body temperatures.

Paleoanthropologists did provide evidence which support that dinosaurs were warm-blooded animals. The evidence which were provided by the paleoanthropologists to support their agreement include big ribcage, straight legs, rate of evolution, bone structure and the rate of growth. All of the above mentioned characteristics support the evidence by the scientists that dinosaurs were warm-blooded animals because of the similar characteristics which are both have in common. The characteristics of the fossil remains of both dinosaurs were compared.

In 1993 the evidence from the fossil remains which have been found in South Dakota, USA prompted paleoanthropologists to believe that dinosaurs were warm-blooded animals. The above statement made by the paleoanthropologists is supported by the fact that dinosaurs were active organisms which were moving at the highest speed. This is because warm-blooded animals are able to control their own body temperature, they donot rely in the external environment. Some paleoanthropologists on the other side disputed the fact that dinosaurs were warm-blooded animals, because in the location where many fossils have been found it was extremely hot. The hot temperature was supposed to kill the dinosaurs.

In April 2000 a team of paleoanthropologists from the University of North Carolina State led by Michael Hammer said that they have discovered the first fossil of dinosaurs. The fossil was thought to be the fossilized heart. The fossilized heart was named Willo. It was the fossilzed heart which suggests that the fossilized heart resembles that which are found in the warm-blooded animals or bird not reptile. The weight of the fossilized heart was 666 pounds and it was dated to 6mya.

Other group of paleoanthropologists also supported the fact that dinosaurs were warm-blooded animals. Their arguments were based on the study conducted by studying the isotopes in the bones of the dinosaurs. Evidence from the isotopes studied from the bones also suggested that warm-blooded animals grow quickly as compared to the cold-blooded animals which grow slowly. Even though the evidence provided by studying the isotopes seemed to be clear that dinosaurs were warm-blooded animals, but some paleoanthropologists disputes this fact.

In conclusion, one can say that the fact that dinosaurs were either warm-blooded or cold-blooded animals remains unclear. This is because evidence from the study of the fossil remains are still even today providing us with the new evidence of whether dinosaurs are either warm-blooded or cold-blooded animals. The finding of the new evidence come-up with the new information about the reality of this extinct species, dinosaurs. In other words new evidence means new speculation about whether dinosaurs were warm-blooded or cold-blooded animals.


Wikipedia contributors. Warm-blooded [Internet]. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopaedia; 2006 May 09, 17:28 UTC [cited 10 May 2006, 14:19]. Available from:

Williston, S. W. 2005. Are birds derived from dinosaurs? Kansas City Review of Science and Industry 3:224-226. [Online]. Available from:

Peter Muvhali
Tell no 012 8142133
Fax 012 8423676

Scientists believe that nearly 2.5 billion years ago after the big bang some 13 to 14 billion years ago the surface of the earth and the evolution of the atmosphere became stable in order to support the early life. Therefore, organisms with a single cell started to develop in the sea which covers the planet, earth. It is also said that the sea has been formed by the accumulation of water vapour and carbon dioxide yielded by the volcanic eruptions. The first evolution of plant started with a single cell organism known as the blue green algae. On the other side the first animal to evolve is thought to be from a multi cellular organism. In other words this means that according to the scientists life has began in the sea.

When the blue green algae started to grow in the seas of the earth, they produce oxygen which then spread through around the atmosphere we know today. The availability of oxygen in our atmosphere made it easier for the other organisms to develop on the earth. That is why plants are called producers, because they are the once that brought life on the earth by being able to produce their own food during the process of photosynthesis.

During the process of photosynthesis, the blue-green algae use energy from the sunlight, carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, water and mineral from the soil. At the same time when they photosynthesize, they release oxygen and water which are useful for life of other organisms on the earth. Animals and other organisms use the produced oxygen and release carbon dioxide which is also used by plants during the process of photosynthesis.

The first animal to evolve is thought to be eukaryotic animal. The information has been found by studying the fossils of multi-cellular eukaryotic animal. It is further explained by saying that the multi-cellular organisms underwent evolution from a single cell organism. Even though the first animals were very small, but they did manage to evolve into all other large and complex animals that we see on the earth today. The first animal were called eukaryotic because they possess nucleus in their cells as opposed to prokaryotic animals which they do not possess nucleus in their cells. These first animals are called consumers, because they depend on plants for their food. Therefore animals depend on plants for their food.

In conclusion, plants especially the blue green algae are thought to be the first plants to evolve on earth. They are also termed producers because they use energy from the sun, carbon dioxide and water to produce their own food during the process of photosynthesis. On the other side the first animal to evolve is thought to have evolved from a multi-cellular eukaryotic animal in the colonies of a single cell organism. Therefore animals and other organisms depend on plants for food because they are incapable of manufacturing their own food. Plants are also first in the food chain because they have the ability to manufacture their own food.


Wikipedia contributors. Segmentation [Internet]. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopaedia; 2006 March 24, 13:04 UTC [cited 2006 May 08]. Available from:

Wikipedia contributors. Evolution [Internet]. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia; 2006 May 08, 06: 45 UTC [cited 2006 May 08]. Available from:

Peter Muvhali
Tell no: 012 8142133
Fax : 012 8423676

The phylum mollusca include organisms which are having internally and reduced shell, but in some of the phylum mollusca the shell is absent at all. Under the phylum mollusca, we find different classes which are also different in their structural body form. These classes include polyplacophora; cardofoveata and solenogastres; gastropoda; scaphopoda; bivalvia; cephalopoda and monoplacophora. The variations in shell structure of the above mentioned classes of the mollusca may be attributed to various locations or the evolution of the species themselves.

Mostly, the phylum mollusca have their shell structures which are planispiral flat coil in shape. Although the majority of the mollusca have the planispiral flat coil structure, some of them have partially straight, partially coiled partially uncoiled shell, helically coiled and superficially coiled. Along the period of evolution, some shells of the phylum mollusca started to become diverse during the cretaceous part. However, some shells of the phylum mollusca appear to be three dimensional while some appear to be smooth without the spines.

According to the paleoanthropologists and the geologists the rapid evolution of the mollusca provided them with the useful information about the fossils. This is because paleoanthropologists can easily link each class of the mollusca according to its variation in relation to their location. Usually the majority of the mollusca live above the seafloor. Therefore when the mollusca die, their remains sink down into the seafloor where they remain buried as a fossil.

As it has already been mentioned in the introductory paragraph that some of the classes of the mollusca lack shells. This is evidence in the two classes solenogastres and caudofoveata. The lack of shells in the two classes can be attributed to their habitat which is soft sediments which are usually found in deep sea. While on the other side polyplacophora consists of an overlapping shell plates which can also be attributed to its habitat, rocky shore. The class bivalvia consists of two values of shell which are held together by the ligaments as opposed to the class gastropoda which consists of a spirally coiled shell.

Although the shells in the majority of the phylum mollusca are complex, there is a different ways in which the shells can be modified. Mostly, the shells composed of three things. These three things are periostracum, outer cover and the inner layers of the calcium carbonate. The outer cover of the shell protects the inner calcareous layers of the shell against erosion or heavy storm. On the other hand periostratum acts as a microscopic shell structure.

In concluding paragraph, one can say different classes of the phylum mollusca possessed different shell structure. This is because all the classes of the phylum mollusca are not found in the same place, even though the majority of them are found in the sea. After dying while in the sea, the fossils of the remains of the mollusca provide paleoanthropologists with the evolutionary information. The fossils found in the sea will enable paleoanthropologists to make both the prediction and postdiction about the primitive and modern life of the species of the phylum mollusca.


Wikipedia contributors. Mollusca [Internet]. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia; 2006 May 4, 13:39 UCT [cited 2006 May 6]. Available from:

Wikipedia contributors. Mollusca [Internet]. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia; 2006 May 5, 14: 15 UCT [cited 2006]. Available from:

Peter Muvhali
Tell no 012 8142133
Fax 012 8423676

The phylum mollusca include organisms which are having internally and reduced shell, but in some of the phylum mollusca the shell is absent at all. Under the phylum mollusca, we find different classes which are also different in their structural body form. These classes include polyplacophora; cardofoveata and solenogastres; gastropoda; scaphopoda; bivalvia; cephalopoda and monoplacophora. The variations in shell structure of the above mentioned classes of the mollusca may be attributed to various locations or the evolution of the species themselves.

Mostly, the phylum mollusca have their shell structures which are planispiral flat coil in shape. Although the majority of the mollusca have the planispiral flat coil structure, some of them have partially straight, partially coiled partially uncoiled shell, helically coiled and superficially coiled. Along the period of evolution, some shells of the phylum mollusca started to become diverse during the cretaceous part. However, some shells of the phylum mollusca appear to be three dimensional while some appear to be smooth without the spines.

According to the paleoanthropologists and the geologists the rapid evolution of the mollusca provided them with the useful information about the fossils. This is because paleoanthropologists can easily link each class of the mollusca according to its variation in relation to their location. Usually the majority of the mollusca live above the seafloor. Therefore when the mollusca die, their remains sink down into the seafloor where they remain buried as a fossil.

As it has already been mentioned in the introductory paragraph that some of the classes of the mollusca lack shells. This is evidence in the two classes solenogastres and caudofoveata. The lack of shells in the two classes can be attributed to their habitat which is soft sediments which are usually found in deep sea. While on the other side polyplacophora consists of an overlapping shell plates which can also be attributed to its habitat, rocky shore. The class bivalvia consists of two values of shell which are held together by the ligaments as opposed to the class gastropoda which consists of a spirally coiled shell.

Although the shells in the majority of the phylum mollusca are complex, there is a different ways in which the shells can be modified. Mostly, the shells composed of three things. These three things are periostracum, outer cover and the inner layers of the calcium carbonate. The outer cover of the shell protects the inner calcareous layers of the shell against erosion or heavy storm. On the other hand periostratum acts as a microscopic shell structure.

In concluding paragraph, one can say different classes of the phylum mollusca possessed different shell structure. This is because all the classes of the phylum mollusca are not found in the same place, even though the majority of them are found in the sea. After dying while in the sea, the fossils of the remains of the mollusca provide paleoanthropologists with the evolutionary information. The fossils found in the sea will enable paleoanthropologists to make both the prediction and postdiction about the primitive and modern life of the species of the phylum mollusca.


Wikipedia contributors. Mollusca [Internet]. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia; 2006 May 4, 13:39 UCT [cited 2006 May 6]. Available from:

Wikipedia contributors. Mollusca [Internet]. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia; 2006 May 5, 14: 15 UCT [cited 2006]. Available from:

Peter Muvhali
Tell no 012 8142133
Fax 012 8423676

All fishes are classified as vertebrates organisms. Vertebrates organisms are organisms with the backbone. Fishes breathe in through their gills. Both cartilaginous and bony fishes belong to the kingdom animalia. Sharks, skates and rays are thought to be the examples of the cartilaginous fishes. They are termed cartilaginous because of the absence of the real bone, but their bodies consist of a cartilage. While on the other side bony fishes are thought to be real fish because they contain bones in their body.

Unlike other types of fishes, cartilaginous fishes have strong jaws. The mouth of the cartilaginous fish is found underside of the head, while the eyes are found on top of the head. Cartilaginous fishes also possess the two nostrils which are used for smelling. As Shark is one example of the cartilaginous fish, they are unable to see the food while entering their mouth. The skin of the cartilaginous fishes such as the sharks, rays and skates is also compared with the sandpaper, because of its roughness. Five to seven pairs of the external gill openings are also found in the cartilaginous fishes. But ghost sharks have the skin which is smooth and one pair of the external gill openings. Fertilization in cartilaginous fishes is internally.

While on the other side bony fishes are termed true fishes. This is because we are familiar with this type of fish. An example of these fishes includes groper, gurnard and snapper. Unlike cartilaginous fishes, bony fishes have bones and one pair of the external gill openings. Its mouth is also found in the front of the head. Bony fishes also possess a tail fin which is equal in both bottom and top portions.

The brain of the ghost sharks is closely related to that of the birds and mammals. As compared to that of the bony fish, the brain of the cartilaginous is ten times to that of the bony fish. While the brain size of the bony fish is thought to closely relate to that of the human beings, the reason of having such a big brain is attributed to the much usage of energy.

In conclusion, one can say that both fishes, cartilaginous and bony indicate a huge morphological variety. This is because their structural body is totally different, as one considers that the mouth of the cartilaginous fish is under the head while that of the bony fish is in front of the head the head. Even the cover of their body is different; the cartilaginous fish is covered with a rough skin while on the other side the bony fish is covered with the rough skin but not like the one in the cartilaginous fish.


Wikipedia contributors. Chondrichthyes [Internet]. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopaedia; 2006 May 05, 13:15 UTC [cited May 08]. Available from:

Wikipedia contributors. Bony Fish [Internet]. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopaedia; 2006 May 06, 13: 23 UTC [cited May 08]. Available from:

Peter Muvhali
Tell no 012 8142133
Fax 012 8423676

All amphibians belong to the subphylum taxon vertebrate. It is also said that the transition of amphibians from the land into the water is incomplete, this is because amphibians usually in the area of aquatic environments. The reason why the amphibians live in an area which is close to the aquatic environment is that in order for the amphibians to get air from the terrestrial environment, they have to adapt first, even though they have lungs and gills. The transition which usually occurs in amphibians is that of from aquatic to terrestrial environment.

The evolutionary relationship of the amphibians does re-occur again and again in each generation. The re-occurrence takes place in this way, frogs leave their eggs hanging around the plants in water, the eggs then hatch by themselves in the water and the young eggs develop into the adult and head towards the land. In this way the frog which is adolescent moves into the land. When they reach sexual maturity, the adult frog then goes back into the water.

Amphibians are organisms which are adapted to the wet environment. The wet environments which are necessary for amphibians include both arid and semi-arid environments. The main reason of why the amphibians require water is that, in water is where the eggs are laid and hatched. Therefore without water on the terrestrial environments means that amphibians cannot adapt to the life on the land.

Water is the most important requirement of the amphibians in order to adapt on land, but algae on the other side is also important. This is because after the eggs have been hatched, they remain hanging in those algae. The young tadpoles also get their food in the algae plants. Therefore by doing so they end up forming the symbiotic relationship, which is the living together of two living organisms without harming each other.

Amphibians such as the frogs have failed to adapt fully on land, this is because other reptiles have already developed the common early waterproof skin which contains the egg in the shell. Another reason of failure to adapt on land is that amphibians also failed to adapt on the warm, dry environment which is found on dry land. Early reptiles, animals and other organisms were succeeding in their adaptations on the land. Another which can also plays an important role in the failure of amphibians to adapt on the land is the low biomass on the land because only the minority of the organisms manage to adapt and survive on land. Other factors such as population growth, pollution, diseases and land degradation are some of the limiting factors which play a role in the majority of amphibians not to be found on the land as compared to the aquatic environment.

It is also said that the first organism which evolve from the ancestors of the fish is amphibians. They evolve in the period of the late Devonian between 360-370mya. Even though the amphibians evolve in the above mentioned period, frogs, caecilians and toads are the only three groups which remain of the ancient amphibians. But nowadays amphibians are found everywhere on the earth where there is availability of the water.


Wikipedia contributors. Amphibian [Internet]. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopaedia; 2006 May 09, 00:20 UTC [cited 2006 May 09]. Available from:

Wikipedia contributors. Chordata [Internet]. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia; 2006 May 08, 12: 15 UTC [cited 2006 May 09]. Available from:

Peter Muvhali
Tell no 012 8142133
Fax 012 8423676